Staff & Personnel In Food Technology

Staff & Personnel In Food Technology
Department Overview

Adeosun, Bukola Omozele

Senior Instructor

ND, HND ( Food Technology), BSc. (Microbiology)


Senior Instructor|ND, HND ( Food Technology), BSc. (Microbiology)




Food Technology


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Processing and Preservation of Foods of Plant and Animal Origin Canning Technology

Teaching Areas

Processing and Preservation of Food of Animal Products, Food Packaging and Storage , Canning Technoogy, Processing and Preservation of Food of Plant Products

Selected Publications

Dr P. A and Adeosun B. O (2015). Cr (VI) Removal by Indiginous Species PB6 Isolated from Contaminated Soil Under the Influence of Various Factors Submitted to the Jounal of Current Research in Bacteriology (Science Aleart) October 2015

Conferences Attended

Enterprenuership Development Training Organized by National Directorate of Employment in Collaborate with Central Bank of Nigeria and National Youth Service Corps 25th – 30th Jan 2010.

A day Workshop on Examination Administration for New Staff Federal Polytechnic Ilro 31th July 2014

3rd Annual National Conference of the School of Applied Sciences Federal Polytechnic Ilaro 11th Feb 2015

3rd Annual National Conference of the School of Applied Science Federal Polytechnic Ilaro 16th – 18th June 2015.

National Conferences of the School of Pure and Applied Science and Communication and Information Technology held at the International Conference Centre of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State 4th – 7th Devember 2017.

43rd National Conference of Nigerian Istitute of Food Science and Technology held at Obasanjo library oke mosan Abeokuta, Ogun state.  15th – 18th October 2018.

Summary of Profile

Adeosun Omozele Bukola is a Technologist in the Department of Food Technology Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro Ogun state. She Obtained her Higher National Diploma (HND) in Food Technology from Federal Polytechnic Ilaro in (2011). She also holds and degree in Microbiology from the Crescent University Abeokuta and University of Ibadan, Ibadan respectively.

She teaches practical related courses such as Food Processing and Preservation, Food Packaging, Canning Technology, Food Science and Nutrition, Product Development e.t.c.

She also assist in on-going research projects which is done under supervision

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